
What our users are saying

Check out who is using Platformatic and how, as well as how they are finding the experience

Liran Tal

Director of Developer Advocacy, Snyk

Lovely writeup. I have to say that the Platformatic dashboard looks out of this world! ;-)

John F.

Capital Group

Finally got around to deploying an app to platformatic.cloud via GH actions.

Love the simplicity in the setup. You all have done an incredible job with the dev experience!

Platformatic User

I was really surprised how fast and easy it was to get an API running.

Roberto Bianchi

Senior Software Engineer at Spendesk

We’ve adopted Platformatic to help us grow and operate Spendesk’s backend.

Notably, Platformatic Client has simplified our development process supporting the Alpha launch of our Public API, helping us to ship quickly and iteratively as we continue to expand our features and customer base and accelerate our time-to-market.

Rafael Gonzaga

Senior Staff Software Engineer, NearForm

For one of my projects, I tried Platformatic to see how it goes!

I started my livestream on Twitch and within one hour, all my idea was complete, the backend was finished without any effort- very easily, just plug and play.

Olamide Adebayo

Senior Software Engineer, Publicis Sapient

I had a short intro into what Platformatic does and I already knew this was gonna be revolutionary.

I have hardly seen any JavaScript Framework that gives you Swagger documentation out of the box, not just that - You can easily expose your DB as a service within minutes and get complete typing for all your DB tables.

FYI: I have previously exposed a database as a service and that took me days to implement, and it didn't even have documentation.

I feel more empowered as an engineer than never before, and I can't wait to do more with Platformatic.