Breaking Change Detector

Confidently deploy changes without the fear of disrupting critical services

Analyze deployment risks, identify what might break, and the likelihood of breaking changes. Imagine it’s 4:30 pm the day before Black Friday, and time for the last git push for a simple fix in one of your APIs before your e-commerce platform’s sale launches.

A few seconds later, the payment API is down and e-commerce is down. What happens next? In comes the Platformatic Breaking Change Detector, allowing developers to push code to production without worrying about whether or not this deployment will cause an outage.


By integrating with your CI and leveraging multiple data points through open tracing and client integration, when a change is made, the Platformatic Breaking Change Detector analyzes potential risks and their likelihood of occurring, empowering your teams to make informed decisions and reduce the uncertainty that often comes with pushing new code.

Leverage Open Telemetry to map out dependencies and interactions

PR integration

Kubernetes support (enterprise only)

Metrics (coming soon)

Seamless integration

Seamless integration with new or existing architectures written in any language that exposes REST and GraphQL APIs.

Learn more about Platformatic Breaking Change Detector

Navigating Microservices Change Risk with Platformatic's Risk Engine

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Watch a full demo exploring how to use the Breaking Change Detector

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White Paper: Evaluating the Risk of Changes in a Microservices Architecture

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Need help understanding how the Platformatic Breaking Change Detector can work for you?