

Manage and develop microservices like never before

Take your configurations, encapsulate them into augmented npm modules, publish them on your internal npm registry. Discover and combine new stackables effortlessly.


Picture this: a new team kicks off a project, and the last thing you want is for them to waste precious time setting up configurations from scratch. Enter Platformatic Stackables - the ultimate templates for Fastify that come packed with everything your team needs. Say goodbye to repetitive setup tasks and welcome a world of accelerated development.

Deterministic, composable templates

Automatic updates

Usage metrics

Template Marketplace

A one-stop destination for reusing, composing, and publishing microservices and templates - explore it here.

Discover Stackables

Discover the stackable to kickstart your project: Browse through our list of existing templates, find the ones that meet your needs, and use them to avoid repetitive work.

Turn Stackables into Apps

Turn existing stackables into new templates, plugins and apps: Publish apps & app templates on a public or private npm registry, including building your own CLI, or create specialized templates for your organization to allow for centralized bugfixes and updates.

Share your Stackables

Share your stackables with your org or everyone: With Stackables, you can create an internal Open Source community, simplifying the distribution of templates and assets across your organization’s dispersed teams.

Learn more about
Platformatic Stackables

Unlocking Development Efficiency: Introducing Platformatic Stackables

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Watch a full demo exploring how to use Stackables

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Use Stackables to build Platformatic applications

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Need help understanding how Platformatic Stackables can work for you?