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Version: 2.45.0


Platformatic Remix is configured with a configuration file. It supports the use of environment variables as setting values with configuration placeholders.

It supports all the settings supported by Platformatic Vite, plus the following one:

  • remix.outputDirectory: The subdirectory where production build is stored at when using wattpm build or plt build. The default is build.

Platformatic Remix uses this property instead of application.outputDirectory (which is ignored).

To properly work when using with in application where the entrypoint is a Platformatic Composer, you need to adjust your vite.config.js file to properly set the Vite's base property and the remix.basename property as follows:

import { vitePlugin as remix } from '@remix-run/dev'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { getGlobal } from '@platformatic/globals'

export default defineConfig({
base: getGlobal().basePath ?? '/',
/* ... */
plugins: [
basename: getGlobal().basePath ?? '/'
/* ... */


If you run into a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please raise an issue on GitHub or join our Discord feedback channel.